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Rob Bell Rant

I’m finding out that there are a lot of different types of bloggers.  All of them, however, are a bit narcisistic.  It only makes sense: “Hey, listen to what I have to say, it’s really interesting, and you need to hear it!”  That’s what sums up about every blog ever written.  Some people are covert about it, and some are in your face regarding their opinions.  I think that today I’ll try to be the latter.  Here goes:

ROB BELL!!!!!!!  There, that should get some hits off of google.  I have read a little Rob Bell and I’ve seen a few of his videos.  I like him ok.  He says some things that make me think.  I don’t agree with everything that comes out of his computer or mouth, but…he seems to be voicing the questions, at least, of a generation.  This causes a huge commotion in the conservative blogosphere.

Everytime he writes a new book the world of evangelicalism explodes into controversy.  Do you agree with Bell?  Can you believe what he said this time?  What an epistomologically, ecclesiologically, theologically, soteriologically, totally depraved person!  AAARRRGGHH!  He doesn’t agree with me, and what’s worse, he has the audacity to question what we have nailed down through years, nay, centuries of being right.

So here you go: “Hey, listen to what I have to say, it’s really interesting, and you need to hear it!”  and here it comes:

If you are interested in reading something that challenges you, do it.  If you’re not, don’t.  If you disagree, wonderful.  If you are the type of person who gets a high off of disagreeing and arguing in a way that makes Christians look like fools…that is not of the Spirit of God.  “They will know we are Christians by our love.”  Read, agree or disagree, have a decent discussion with an open mind and heart for the purpose of discerning God’s will for the church, leave your discussion partner with a blessing and then (and here comes the biggest challenge) go out and be the hands and feet of Christ.

God gave his people hands and feet and eyes and ears…all of them in duplicate. Then he gave us one mouth a piece (one of the rare singular items each individual has).  Let’s use it half as much.  Now, if you’re thinking to yourself, “yah, but I blog and I have been given 10 fingers (nine of which I use for typing because I only use one of my thumbs for hitting the space bar – the other one is just hanging in mid-air there without ever helping out), so I’ll blog about it with all my might.”  If that’s what you’re thinking, you should be smart enough to know what I mean!

Rob Bell has an opinion and whether you agree with him or not, you might want to consider it and move on.  Maybe he’ll help solidify what you think or challenge you.  No matter what you do, don’t be a turd.  Just stop embarrassing your fellow Christians by acting like my two kids when they argue over who’s right. 

Have a blessed day.

Categories: Ranting
  1. Dave
    March 14, 2011 at 10:26 am

    Thanks for adding a voice of reason and sanity to the Rob Bell…uh…thing.

    The Marketing folks at the company that will publish his new book have very big smiles, I think. Money cannot buy the buzz that’s being generated.

  2. Dirk
    March 14, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    Beautifully said. My only regret is that we cannot get your post thoughtfully read by those thousands out there currently hyperventilating over this whole Bell thing. God bless ya, my friend.

  3. March 15, 2011 at 7:18 pm

    My thoughts EXACTLY. I’ll tweet your post to get it out to some other readers. #LoveWins

  4. March 16, 2011 at 1:21 am

    Word, brotha!

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